Would you Prefer a Deer Antler Chandelier or a Moose Antler Chandelier?

For decades, antler chandeliers and antler lamps have always been the premier decor choice in log cabins, log homes, ski lodges and rustic décor. Lately, though, antler lighting is brilliantly at ease in urban environments such as lofts, penthouse high-rises and upscale dining establishments.

(Further, because antlers are shed regularly, you can be assured that no animal has suffered or lost its life in the name of décor – elk, deer and moose shed their antlers every single year, like clockwork.)

Obviously no longer just for the rustic or ski hill environment, our antler chandelier designs bring a unique look and tactile embellishment to any home, business or restaurant - even yours! As antler lighting is a fast-growing trend across all populations, it's time you got to know your types of antler lamps and antler chandeliers.

First, how much room do you have for your antler chandelier?

Smaller areas invite the shed antlers of our more prim and proper deer.

White Tail Deer antler chandeliers are usually the smallest in size. These antlers are dense and lighter in color, and they have a sharp curve upward. The White Tail Deer antler is just about a foot in length, so making large chandeliers is impractical and expensive. Use these lovely deer antler chandeliers and antler lamps in smaller settings, such as lofts, studies and flat-ceiling family rooms.
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North American Mule Deer antlers are the most common antler chandeliers you'll see. They are brown in color and somewhat knobby and, while they have a lovely curve, they are straighter than the white tail deer's antlers. Mule Deer chandeliers can be built to much larger sizes, as the antlers are usually 2 feet in length and can be easily combined to create truly stunning antler decor.

While the above two antler chandelier types come from North American natives, the Fallow Deer antler chandelier is a European import from Spain. These deer antlers are very dark brown in color and are palmated (like a hand with pudgy fingers) – in other words, the Fallow Deer antler chandelier or popular antler lamps look as if a small moose has shed them. Their deep rich color and flowing palmation make a very elegant piece with average antler length at about 2.5 feet. And, while Fallow Deer are certainly plentiful, they aren't as profuse in number as, say, the North American Mule Deer, so this antler type is usually the most expensive antler in the world of antler chandeliers.

Elk (caribou) and moose create larger, more dramatic pieces.

Elk antlers are another very common antler used for antler chandeliers. They are brownish red in color and are long and straight. They range in size from about 2.5 feet to 5 feet long. You don't need to put a lot of these together to create a truly stunning and noticeable piece; the elk antler is fabulous for large chandeliers.

Then, of course, there is the venerable moose antler.
As you can probably already imagine, moose antler chandeliers are epic, memorable décor pieces, but they don't crowd well in loft-size kitchens, assuredly (and don't try making them into bedside antler lamps, either). One average moose antler is about 3 foot by 3 foot in size (imagine how relieved that moose must feel every spring when he sheds that monstrous "hat.")

Moose antlers are naturally large, dark brown antlers, and they are very dense. While most people choose to keep the antler in its natural state for their antler chandeliers, moose antlers can be polished to a gleam that almost look like ivory. Although most antler chandeliers are a bit more expensive than the elk chandelier, you are getting definite "bang for your buck" in particularly large spaces and pinnacle ceilings.

Be sure to carefully assess the space in which you have to display these stunning and unique antler lighting solutions, then explore your options in color and length of antler. Just a little bit of research can produce dramatic, life-enduring results!

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/interior-design-articles/would-you-prefer-a-deer-antler-chandelier-or-a-moose-antler-chandelier-4142259.html#ixzz1YhdZ1dM3
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